ACT Research: Medium Duty Truck Market

ACT Research Co.
2 min readOct 2, 2019


Steve Tam gave an update on the medium duty truck market in a presentation at Seminar 61 on August 13th, 2019. While on stage, Steve took time to identify what a medium duty (Classes 5–7) commercial truck is, as well as the outlook of the medium duty markets. The medium duty markets are included in ACT’s State of the Industry: Classes 5–8 report, a monthly look at the current production, sales, and general state of the market. Since 1986, ACT Research has been working directly with OEMs as they discretely share their data and information, allowing ACT Research to have an unprecedented level of understanding of the commercial vehicle market. Couple this data with our award-winning economist, robust databases, and years of industry experience and you get a best-in-class outlook for the industry.

ACT Research is recognized as the leading publisher of commercial vehicle truck, trailer, and bus industry data, market analysis and forecasts for the North America and China markets. ACT’s analytical services are used by all major North American truck and trailer manufacturers and their suppliers, as well as banking and investment companies. ACT Research is a contributor to the Blue Chip Economic Indicators and a member of the Wall Street Journal Economic Forecast Panel. Executive staff appointments include a seat on the Board of Directors of the National Association for Business Economics and Consulting Economist to the National Private Truck Council. Accolades include Chicago Federal Reserve Automotive Outlook Symposium Best Overall Forecast, Wall Street Journal Top Economic Outlook, and USA Today Top 10 Economic Forecasters. More information can be found at

For more information about ACT’s State of the Industry: Classes 5–8 report, please click here. This report is a great compliment to ACT’s North America Commercial Vehicle OUTLOOK.

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ACT Research Co.

ACT Research is the leader in commercial vehicle industry data, market analysis, and forecasting services for North America.